Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday Rants: personal motivation

Hello lovelies,

Today's rant is in fact an attack on myself and my lack of motivation. In particular, when it comes to my health. My laziness is getting out of hand. I am actually so disappointed in myself for letting myself crack 60kg. Shame on me. Since my university timetable ruined my dance schedule, I never really found a replacement activity. Then I took on longer hours at my work and extra curricular uni activities and just cannot be bothered to find time to exercise. I look at photos from 2 years ago and it's sad how much bigger I've gotten. I no longer like wearing bikini tops. I wear one piece swimmers. Board shorts are an essential.

On top of that I've lost all self control with my eating. I'm eating whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like. It's an awful shame because I think I have a pretty enough face, I just don't have the body to match. Admittedly, I will never be stick thin, never be a column like figure because I naturally have wide hips (yay for having babies) and wide-ish shoulders. But I am definitely not the smallest version of myself I can be and that's really upsetting.

I'm 18 with stretch marks. Let that sink in. Any remaining muscle tone is fading. Particularly in my arms and back. I used to have a sexy back from tennis and dancing. Now it's just a bit meh. I have a big butt which looks ok in tight jeans but strip it down to mini shorts and you'll see it's fat, not muscle.

I think I'm letting myself down by not having personal motivation. And not having discipline or self control. It's a shame really. also hate gyms. Everyone I know goes to a gym so there isn't a single one in my area that isn't already taken by someone I know. Also I don't agree with paying to do things that you can do for free if you just step outside (paying to run on a treadmill? no thanks, I'd rather run outdoors).

Does anyone have any tips for me to stay on track?

Thanks for listening lovelies,

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