Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pre-Season Training

Hello Lovelies,
I hope you've all been well. I apologize for not writing in ages but I've been so caught up with university exams, the sudden passing of my dear grandmother and my weekend in Melbourne for the AFL Grand Final. But I'm back!

This post is a written commitment to myself and my new lifestyle choices. I've labelled it pre-season training because most of my poor habits form during the football season, when I dedicate more hours to being a good fan rather than being good to myself. In the six months that is the football season, I tend to gain weight. So now during the off season (which eventually hits the turning point and becomes the pre season), I have a lot of weight to lose and a body to regain.

Tomorrow I begin the Kayla Itsines 12 Bikini Body Program. I'm excited because I know a few people who have done it and it's really worked and also for the first time ever I'm embarking on this journey with a friend. Unfortunately, I can't undertake the nutrition program too. Living at home means that I often have to eat whatever my parents prepare for me because we live on a budget and they have a family of 5 to feed. So for me, the nutrition aspect of the program will involve portion control and healthy eating when I'm out at uni and limited unhealthy snacking. As long as I'm not eating badly, it shouldn't affect the progress too much. On top of that, I am iron deficient so a lot of my diet revolves around trying to eat red meat, despite the fact it may not be as lean as other options.

I'm very unhappy with my body. Not only the way it looks, but the way it feels. This last month especially has left me feeling bloated, sick, heavy and tired. I look forward to regaining my energy, my figure and my confidence.

With this comes a lifestyle change that involves training myself out of the habit of turning to Twitter to say every little thing I think of, sleeping consistent hours, enjoying more sunlight to soak up more vitamin D, keeping my room tidier to minimize my allergies to dust, and going to the effort to keep my hair, skin and nails much healthier. Altogether, by the time it's the week before Christmas (12 weeks from now), I should be a much better version of myself and thus a much happier person.

The reason I'm posting all of this on the internet is because I want you to help keep me on track. Should you see a tweet or a blog post about a lapse in my control, I beg you to encourage me, help pick me up off the ground and get me back on track because I know for a fact that I cannot do this alone. I need you guys, my internet family and friends, to help me achieve my goal.

If you too are on a weight loss/ healthy living journey, let me know and we can help each other out!

Until next time,

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